Jan Gehl a Bolzano, nell'ambito delle Giornate dell'Architettura 2018... L'Arch. Stefan Hitthaler e Francesco Menghini hanno ripreso la conferenza di Jan Gehl. Qui di seguito dal loro blog freeRoom:
Around 1960 the paradigms for city planning were radically changed. Modernism became dominant and the invasion of
motorcars took off. In this process the care for the people using cities - looked after for centuries by tradition and
experience - was completely left behind. This is the story told by Jan Gehl who explains why looking after people is crucial for the quality of cities in the 21st century. City transformations and mobility strategies from Denmark, USA, Australia and Russia will serve as examples of this new people oriented direction in city planning.
Jan Gehl: liveable cities for the 21st century!!
Conferenza in lingua inglese con traduzione simultanea in lingua italiana
Con il gentile sostegno:
Città di Bolzano
unibz Facoltà di Design e Arti
Dopo la conferenza la ditta Rubner, sponsor dell'iniziativa, invita ad un aperitivo!